Our Anniversary Giveaway!

Valued at $850! Help us spread the news!

Enter our giveaway to help spread the news out our store! We still have people walking in daily saying they never knew we existed, and after nearly two years, we find that wild. So, we're asking for your help to spread the word about the shop, and we've designed a fun giveaway to support this effort.

Giveaway Details:

  • The winner will receive a hand-selected basket of Wild Haven Goodies from the shop and a $100 gift card, for a total value of $850!

  • From now until our anniversary celebration on September 14th, any social sharing effort, that shares our goal to spread awareness about the shop will enter you to win this giveaway! These are ideas but not the only way, just get creative with your sharing efforts and we will add you to the entry list!

Ways to Enter:

  • Share a nice shot of what you purchased, tagging Wild Haven Co. (Bonus entry if a local vendor item is bought and tagged!)

  • Post a selfie or a pleasing image in the store that shows off the greenhouse or some beautiful element you love! Share how to find us. For example, "Did you know you can sip and shop this cool boutique inside Bleeding Heart Brewery" ….."I went for a beer and left with an amazing set of earrings made by a local!"

    ETC, share your unique experiences in your post!

  • Spend $100+ in store for an entry!

  • Create a cutie reel highlighting your visit! (10 ENTRIES)

Thank you for being a part of our journey and your continued support. We're excited to celebrate our anniversary with you and look forward to many more years of joy, growth, and community. We cant wait to see what you love and share about our boutique!


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